Following on from the last blog about setting up door mirrors, here a couple of tips that will trash the myths about how hard it is to parallel park your car. Get a small piece of white sticky paper and attach it to the top of the left rear wheel arch & fold it out so it is visible from the front - see picture.
So when doing a parallel park, o
So starting at the beginning: Choose a car on the left that faces forward to practice around, follow all the usual safely procedures and pull up parallel to the target car about 1 meter away and half a meter beyond it. Reverse back (taking precautions) until your left door mirror is opposite the target car's mirror and after looking all around, turn the wheel one full turn to the left and hold it there. Taking all around observations and glancing into the left door mirror watch for the label appearing to hover above the kerb, the turn the wheel briskly to the right until it will not turn any more (full lock). Again looking all around and glancing into the mirror you will see the car come towards being parallel to the kerb and now is the time to straighten the wheel. With a little practice in your own car, you can perfect this in 20 minutes.
Let me know which other maneuvers you find difficult and I will try to help.
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