Tuesday 8 November 2011

Lichfield Driving Test Centre Exit Left

Ok, so your taking your test in Lichfield - what problems do the first few minutes present?

Going left you proceed down really narrow and bendy road - there are usually cars parked on the left, so you need to be in 1st gear and looking well ahead.

Further down this really narrow road, there's a T-junction where you really need to stop to look both ways - generally you will asked to turn right.

Having negotiated that junction, you will be asked to turn left at the STOP junction - of course the examiner will not use that word. You must stop and mainly look right to give way - however a few other things to watch:

  • The corner is reasonably tight, so don't get too close to the left kerb, there is a chance of mounting it if you turn too soon.
  • There may be vehicles turning right into your road - they can surprise you, so look left as well as right (as you should always do).
  • There's a light controlled pedestrian crossing as soon as you turn left and you probably will not have time to see this after you turn. So make sure that the lights are green before you set off - keep an eye out for people pressing the button.
So now your test in under way and assuming that you have taken care, you will be off to a good start.

Next time we will look at turning right out of the Lichfield test centre.

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